Catastrophy in Haiti

This is off the polity track but just had to get in to express my feelings on the matter.

There was an earthquake of huge dimensional impact on the little Caribbean country of Haiti this past Tuesday. Huge loss of life; country's viability on the brink. Yet, the scene that caught my attention and evoked such deep sadness--and reminded me too of just how tenuous life is; that life is hard; that life is not fair; and that life is wonderful if you are safe from harm, have ample nourishment, are financially successful to some modest degree; and, you never know when that life will be taken from you--was the school house that collapsed....... and killed all seven hundred (700!) school children within!! 700!! Oh my! My heart skipped a beat and tears welled up to fill my eyes....I could hardly breath. Even now while writing this I am overcome with an emotion of extreme sadness....and once again those tears of the deepest feeling of loss begin to file my eyes. Were I a younger healthy man.....I know just where I'd be this day.