The Recession: Getting up and Out--2.11.2011

Here is what I think, we (the USA) should start a downward spiral in spending, finish the job in the Middle East (soon!) and remove our troop presence there; increase the FITW by 0.5% for those making less than $150K and 1.5% for those making over $150K; invest (Right Now!) in rebuilding our infrastructure, building a national grid, greatly increase extraction of oil from the Bakken Basin; develop green energy (solar, wind, thermal, etc) on a grand scale; STOP illegal alien migration into our country, and initiate a long-term program of deportment of illegals; and pass a constitutional amendment that redefines how one becomes an American citizen by requiring that at the time of birth a child must be born with at least one parent who is an American citizen. All of these initiatives would most surely create tens of thousands of jobs for Americans.

Our country needs the help of all of us to get the hell out of this recession, but we must hold our representatives' feet to the fire; anyone who impedes this progress should either be impeached or not reelected. In my humble opinion.