Obama's Fault?

In response to a post by an acquaintance blaming President Obama for the state of our economy plus other aspects of his administration that has not been superlative, I responded as follows: 

What an amazing litany of empty-headed inglorious BS! So it's Obama's fault now? Now that we're better off than when the "stuff" ended its slide downhill into a quasi-depression in mid-2009?

Do you really believe it was Obama's Recovery Act that caused those eight million-odd job losses and drove up the unemployment figures to 10%? Get over it. The Recovery Act slowed then stopped the bleeding. To believe otherwise is just plain ignorant.

My mind just cannot fathom the depths of despair this country would be in now if McCain had won in 2008. Think about it, how would he have stopped the 600,000 job losses per month, repaired the bursting housing bubble, and contained the financial markets and banks so our country wouldn't become a piddling worthless entity? Sure, blame Obama for getting our troops out of Iraq, blame him for doing what Bush reneged on--killing OBL, blame him for the stock market doubling in three years. And, for good measure, blame him for not getting a budget out of Congress for three years(?) when the 'Publicans (better "Publi-cannots") filibustered and would not permit cloture on every part and parcel of the budget. I say blame the 'Publi-cannots for not allowing final votes on a budget.

Just say'n......