
I need to say upfront that I think all abortions at any stage of pregnancy are grievous and that Late-term Abortions are horrendous. However, I also believe that I have no right whatsoever to intrude, in any way, into a woman's decision to have an abortion; neither does the government, federal or state; the ultimate decision is hers--it is her body. The main reason for my believing this way can be found in our Constitution where the right to privacy is paramount and inarguable. How anyone can argue that they or our government can dictate how a woman, or any individual for that matter, must care for/take care of her body is beyond me. Of course, that doesn't keep the multitudes from caterwauling pro and con the issue of abortions. What gives me the right to be judgemental? Being pro-choice carries no mandate, pro-choice just accords to the pregnant woman what is rightfully hers---the right to privacy.