Sarah Palin Article

Concerning the article on Sarah Palin in The American Spectator (see URL below).

Well, my very first thought was why the photo showed Sarah pointing a finger toward us instead of showing the palm of her hand (since that was the basis for the start-up for the article).

My next, and last (and not much, if any, in between), thought was just how low (and sadly) the conservatives will go in scraping the bottom of the barrel to find someone who can clearly articulate the essence of the Conservative conscience and playbill. And that person is Sarah "don't write on my hand" Palin? Oh My! Does anyone really understand what she says, let alone what she is talking about (other than just castigating Democrats in the most vitriolic and spurious terms)? Perhaps the Conservatives or Tea Party will scape up "First-Dude" Palin from the dregs in their barrel as their next spokesperson (at least he has bigger hands!)?'s-something-bout-sarah

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