Arizona Law Regarding Illegal Immigration

To Whom It May Concern: I am disavowing any agreement with and support of the group calling itself Save Arizona... and hereby remove myself from its list of supporters. Why, after initially signing on with the group? I almost hesitate to say it's really simple, but it really is. After careful consideration and a bit of research I believe this is a racist, bigoted, right-wing group. And being that, their modus operandi is radical activism; it works to create havoc, disharmony, and even hate and fear within a community and the general society as well. I do not believe in any of that. So, there it is, pretty simple. This group IS what I'm NOT.

Now, having set forth my disclaimer of support for the Save Arizona... group, I believe, as most citizens do, I'm sure, that Arizona has the sovereign right, and duty, to enact laws to protect its citizens and all other legal residents of the state. Arizona also has the duty to enforce the laws, state and federal, that manage or control immigration. If these laws are written in a manner that permits, even unwittingly or though misperception or malice, the denigration, harsh or brutal treatment, or wrongful processing as an alien of anyone who is or is suspected to be a person who is in the state illegally (an illegal alien), the law must be changed.


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

This should be titled "Save Arizona". I have read the Arizona bill and then went to a non Arizona law enforcement agency person who also read the bill for analysis. The bill does not authorize the actions you imply. The police powers mentioned in the bill already existed.