Reality in Phoenix, Arizona

The following is an email I sent out today, 22 Sep 10. [The photo referenced herein will not open in this blog. Sorry. It was a photo of people desecrating our national emblem by painting on the flag and dumping all sort of vile trash and garbage on it.]

"I really did have to send this on. Yeah, I know burning our Flag is protected by the Constitution (yeah, free speech--go figure!). But then, to publicly lay out the Flag and trash it, spitting on it, throwing garbage on it, goes a little too far--just too, too, desecrating.

I didn't serve our country for 30 years in the Air Force--honoring our national symbol--standing at attention and holding a salute as the Flag passed by--feeling that tingle up my spine while standing with my hand over my heart while listening to or participating in the singing The Star-Spangled Banner--being so proud to be an American, always, after having been in and experienced living in other countries--to not be incensed when anyone, particularly illegals, desecrate our Flag. I suppose it was good this happened in Phoenix instead of St. Peters. I hope you get mad as hell when you review the forwarded email!

I wonder when our police are going to start protecting, defending, our National Emblems? Hey, just turn away--close your eyes--when some patriotic American or a veteran puts down those trying to desecrate Our Flag. ("Gee, I didn't see noth'n")

I have one suggestion for anyone considering defacing or burning Our Flag.....wrap yourself in it before striking the match.

Driving the Economy

In President Obama's speech last Friday (9-17-2010) to the black caucus, concerning the state of our economy and how to recover and move it forward, he gave the analogy of us having our car stuck in the mud deep in a ditch. With us pushing and struggling to drive our car from the ditch, the Republicans are standing on the side yelling at us to push harder, "Push harder, push harder." Finally, after getting our car out of the mud, out of the ditch, the Republicans now want our car keys back! We tell them, "NO, you can't have the keys back...NO!"

So, as President Obama says, inferring on how to move the economy, "If you want to move your car forward you put it in 'D' and if you want it to go backward you put it in 'R' ...and those letters are not a coincidence!"