Reality in Phoenix, Arizona

The following is an email I sent out today, 22 Sep 10. [The photo referenced herein will not open in this blog. Sorry. It was a photo of people desecrating our national emblem by painting on the flag and dumping all sort of vile trash and garbage on it.]

"I really did have to send this on. Yeah, I know burning our Flag is protected by the Constitution (yeah, free speech--go figure!). But then, to publicly lay out the Flag and trash it, spitting on it, throwing garbage on it, goes a little too far--just too, too, desecrating.

I didn't serve our country for 30 years in the Air Force--honoring our national symbol--standing at attention and holding a salute as the Flag passed by--feeling that tingle up my spine while standing with my hand over my heart while listening to or participating in the singing The Star-Spangled Banner--being so proud to be an American, always, after having been in and experienced living in other countries--to not be incensed when anyone, particularly illegals, desecrate our Flag. I suppose it was good this happened in Phoenix instead of St. Peters. I hope you get mad as hell when you review the forwarded email!

I wonder when our police are going to start protecting, defending, our National Emblems? Hey, just turn away--close your eyes--when some patriotic American or a veteran puts down those trying to desecrate Our Flag. ("Gee, I didn't see noth'n")

I have one suggestion for anyone considering defacing or burning Our Flag.....wrap yourself in it before striking the match.

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