Veteran's Day Thought and Comments

My cousin, Robin, wrote: "A Veteran is someone, who at one point in their life, wrote a blank check payable to the United States of America for an amount up to, and including, their life. That is beyond honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer remember that fact. Thank you for giving me the freedom I have today."
My comment was:
Robin, that is very nice. I am sure that most Vets who are still with
us, including me, appreciate that thought. I may be a Vet and accept minor recognition as such but, truly, I focus the most heart-felt honor on those who served and fought in harm's way, those who sustained horrible wounds, any Purple Heart recipient, those who suffered terribly as POWs, and especially the true heroes, those who sacrificed their life for our freedom--they all should be awarded the MOH.

It has been my honor to have visited the WWII, Korean war, Vietnam war, and FDR Memorials in our Nation's Capitol. Those visits always imbued within me a deep pride in my country and seriously placed honor for those who gave the ultimate gift for Freedom.

Thanks again for the beautiful comment.

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