Immigration Reform-A Response--12-03-2010

My thoughts on the DREAM Act.

So, the way I read the DREAM Act (Well, I actually haven't read it) is that children under some specified age (16, 12, 6, 1) brought to the USA illegally (presumably by parents or some other relative) would be able to acquire citizenship. Does that mean the illegals who brought the children here are themselves allowed to stay here indefinitely without fear of prosecution or deportation? Forever!?

Why don't we just throw our borders wide open?!?

In my humble opinion we should initiate a broad-scale roundup of all illegals and deport them to their country of origin. Parents of minor American children (those born in the USA of illegals) have the option of taking those children back with them or leave them here to be cared for by Catholic Charities (aren't most illegals Catholic?) (the USA would reimburse Catholic Charities for the living and educational expenses of the children until they reached maturity); non-Catholics would go into a National foster care program. American children taken by deported parents back to their country of origin will be allowed to return to the USA on their own upon reaching maturity (they will have to show their passport, however).

This program of deportation of illegals would of course be highly publicized so as to encourage illegals to voluntarily return to their home country on their own. The program would, of course, be a long term endeavor and annual results of the program's efforts and statistics would be publicized.

Each fourth of July, at the ranch of G.W. Bush, the residences of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, and the White House, there would be a mass swearing-in of new American citizens carried live on the Fox channels (not the Fox sports channels) and C-SPAN.

The program benefits, other than reducing and eventually eliminating illegals, would dramatically reduce the number of attempts to gain illegal entry into the USA, would be to create perhaps thousands of new long-term, welling paying jobs for real American citizens.

Or, we could just do what the Nazi's did........ (I didn't really say that, did I?)


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