From 2005

However, though I agree with a lot that he says [commentor on Iraq war] the point that he DOESN'T make is that our being in Iraq (that includes our illegal takeover of Iraq) has only spurred terrorists in the Middle East and increased the violence (terror); now they're coming into Iraq to train and revitalize their forces. We are not even going to begin to eliminate terrorist activity until we have "cleaned house" in all of the Middle East--and I don't mean by invading Iran, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, et al. I mean we have to diplomatically "get in bed" with these Middle East countries, and work together on a "level playing field" to eliminate terrorists. Of course, that means drastically altering/changing our foreign policies. Unfortunately, inclusiveness and consideration of other countries' polity and wisdom is not a Bush/Bush administration axiom. With Bush, it's 'My way or The highway'; .......and it's just that kind of approach that has got us in so much of this trouble.

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