Senator McCaskill--Reply To her email

Thank you so much for the informational email to me, to all of us Missourians. My wife and I, and I know most other Missourians as well, appreciate you and your efforts to serve us in the best way possible. We are so amazed at the manner you 'hit the road running' in the Senate--and have aggressively continued to keep the State of Missouri and our country foremost in your efforts to serve. Your visual and astute presence and your strong and clear articulation of problems facing our country and possible solutions thereto has been an inspiration to all of us. And, we are sure President-elect Obama owes a lot to you, as national co-chair, for his election.

I am reminded of the national political personality/reporter/columnist who said yesterday concerning Obama's election that, even given Michelle Obama's mis-valued quote, (paraphrased) "This is the first time in a very long time that I have been so proud of my country." So many of us feel the same way; we are so very proud of our country for overcoming so many different kinds of fears to elect Barak Obama as our next President. There is no doubt whatsoever that this brilliant, luminous, engaging personality; this very intelligent and this charismatic leader, will make us even more proud of our country. And you, our most gracious Ms. Senator, we are also sure, will be right in the mix along with President Obama to lead our country to a more exhalted level. God Bless.

Harvey and Michelle Hurtt
St. Peters, Missouri

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