Thomas Jefferson--A "patriot?"

I know that many, most, probably, admire Thomas Jefferson but in many respects he was an arrogant (as in aristocratic) blowhard, coward, political (as in our government) subversive, pernicious, avant garde political rabble rouser. The only thing really worthy of note in all the praise of Jefferson is his work on the Declaration of Independence--and in that regard he needed a lot of help from the many other Founding Fathers; he was given the task of drafting the Declaration of Independence by his co-committee members because writing was greatest attribute--and to give him something to do because, otherwise, he was an inept, unproductive and inconsequential delegate to the first Continental Congress; and, the Declaration of Independence was actually written by Thomas Jefferson et al.

He gets a "thumbs down" from me because he turned-tail and fled (deserted?) when the fight was on.

Just my opinion, of course.

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